iTTi - international TEFL Training institute - is the world's leading educational institution in the field of TEFL/TESOL certification. Our organization has been providing English teacher certification in more than 70 countries for over 35 years with 100-2000 students online and in-class every month.
I am proud to say that I have taken iTTi to almost every corner around the world. With this initiative, I’m fully committed to helping the less privileged people with their need to learn English through our iTTi Volunteer program #ittivolunteer and bringing a world-class quality teacher training certification to our future teachers in partnership with #youragora.
My educational journey took me from a BA in International Business in New York to international locations such as Spain, Italy, France, Germany, and the UK. At this point in my professional career, I can look back at master’s degrees in International Relations & Diplomacy, International Business, and Digital Marketing. Continuous learning has created my limitless vision in terms of company expansion.