Remote teaching is a great way of balancing the personalization that a teacher brings with the ease that an online course brings. However, even for the seasoned teacher, there are challenges to using this approach. Luckily, we’re here to help!
For live video, audio, and presenting, Your Agora pairs well with many remote conferencing apps. Here is a list of recommended apps with feature comparisons. Whichever solution you choose, Your Agora provides teacher training and support to help your school get started quickly.
Once you have selected the best app for your school, select a course. With a few adjustments by the teacher, most of our existing course templates can be easily adapted for remote teaching. Any pair work and group work should be simplified to ensure it can be done as a class or it should be removed. Lesson plans can also be adapted to ensure all interactivity works with remote teaching. Most of the other assignments will not have to be changed to be used. For more information on how to easily adapt material, see our how to here.
In the school and teacher panels of Your Agora, courses can be scheduled for specific days or they can be unscheduled (if the days the course meets change often). For more information on course scheduling, check out our teacher panel how to here and our school panel how-to here.
Informing students on how to connect to a live class can be done in a variety of ways depending on what app you are using. We recommend emailing instructions to them and adding the same instructions to the course with the other assignments.
When it’s time to connect, sending a reminder email is an easy way of letting your students know that the class is starting soon. You can also message them directly with an app like Slack or Skype. With an app like hangouts, uberconference, or zoom, you can set calendar reminders.
Remote teaching style depends a lot on the style of the teacher and the goals of the students. These tips will ensure the best possible experience in all cases:
Assessing a student’s work is straightforward. As the students submit their work, the results will show up in the teacher panel where the teacher can review them. It may be necessary to refresh the browser on some systems. Homework, quizzes, and tests can all be done on the platform, live or outside of class hours.
Keeping students honest and assessment accurate can be a little more challenging when students are not physically in the same room. In most cases, employing the honor system and letting the students know they are only cheating themselves is usually enough. In instances where stakes are high, there are a few simple strategies teachers can use.
Having regular short in-class assessments can provide a benchmark teachers can use for out-of-class assignments. A student who regularly does poorly on an in-class quiz but always gets their work outside of class perfect may require monitored assessment.
For high stakes assessment, where seeking outside support may be tempting for students, monitored assessment might be warranted. Have the student share their screen with their camera on and record the session. This way, you can see if they go to another tab, take their eyes off the screen to use another device, or are asking someone for help. If you record the session, you don’t need the teacher there; an admin will do.
When you are ready to start creating great remote courses, Your Agora is here to help. Click on the link below to set up a free account and/or contact us to set up a personal call to learn more about how you can provide custom quality material to your students.